Why I quit my job to pursue my passion?
I'm so spoiled and self indulgent. I must be. Why else would I quit a perfectly good job in the middle of a pandemic because it no longer makes me feel good. What does that even mean?
I guess it means I have morning anxiety now about starting work when I never did before. The work hasn't really changed, the people neither so it must be me. Whatever I was looking for when I first started I have either found, five years in, or I’m no longer seeking. My interest is no longer there and I find myself dreaming of a different experience.
What would it be like if I focused my attention now on some of my other interests; on developing some other natural talents? Seeking justice and peace for humanity will always be my ultimate goal but what if there are other, more personal ways of inspiring the same change?
I'm quitting my job in the middle of a pandemic to pursue my “passion” because it no longer makes me feel good. Key word "feel" which a lot of people dismiss and/or underestimate. If someone or something no longer feels good in the body [that’s hard to explain and I might get into it later], my philosophy is to get rid of it or at the very least re-examine it.
And so, although there is nothing wrong with my current job, because it no longer feels good to be there, I know it's time to move on. It feels right to be moving on at this time. My time. The world is going through unprecedented change and most people buckle down and hold on in times of change. I'm thinking the world's changing. Might as well change with it.