This post was first published in This Weekend I Noticed. a weekly-stitch journal exclusive to The T. subscribers. It had been moderately edited for the blog.

“In time of test, family is best.”
— Burmese Proverb

🐈‍⬛ 🐆🐅🐘🦓🦒

This weekend I noticed.

A Weekly-ish Stitch Journal
100 words or less. Sometimes more.

30 Sept – 1 Oct, 2023

F A M I L Y 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼

This weekend I noticed the power of family. “So, what’s going on with Kim and Kourtney? I asked. My colleague, who is a self-professed F.AN couldn’t wait to tell me the T. “Well,” she began, “Kourtney called Kim a witch and a narcissist for entering into a lucrative deal with Dolce & Gabbana, who outfitted her entire wedding including her wedding dress, six months after the wedding.” “Is that it?” I asked, confused. “Why would Kourtney get mad about that?” “I think the problem is that Kim didn’t communicate clearly enough to Kourtney about the deal, so she feels somewhat betrayed, but Kourtney is toxic. Imagine calling your sister, a business mogul and arguably the biggest pop culture influence of our time, a narcissist in public, with the potential to damage her reputation.” That last remark ruffled my feathers. As someone who always roots for the underdog, I felt somewhat compelled to defend Kourtney. “In the clip I saw, she said that Kim can’t stand for anyone else to be the center of attention. That at her wedding, Kim complained from the moment she got there to the moment she left. Perhaps that’s what fuelled the narcissist comment. I can imagine that Kim, with all the attention that she gets, sometimes lets her ego get the best of her and probably does have narcissistic tendencies.” “I guess.” My colleague replied. “But imagine what it must have felt like for Kim. Kourtney falling in love and having her dream wedding in the same place she had hers with the same singer …” “Andrea Bocelli.” we both chimed in, mimicking the now viral clip of Kim, accusing Kourtney of copying her wedding. “…while her marriage to Kanye is publicly falling apart.” she continued, “it must have been difficult.” “Ha! I interjected. “So, you’re admitting that Kim could have been envious of Kourtney and perhaps tried to undermine her by one upping her so soon after her wedding?” 

In the end, we agreed that they’re both probably toxic and need to grow up but Kourtney more so for decrying the family that made her and proclaiming publicly that she doesn’t need them anymore now that she is married. I thought about families and family dynamics and to a time when I didn’t understand or appreciate the value of family. Now I know that family, my family, is the only thing I can truly count on for unconditional love and support.

:  a group of people related to one another by B L O O D or marriage; all the descendants of a common ancestor. [Oxford Languages]

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The joy of being a “simpleton”